Who We Are

About The Centurions

The Centurions is a 501c3 charitable organization, that supports Southern Arizona’s nonprofits that serve our community’s most at-risk children and their families in the areas of healthcare, education, and mentoring. We maintain a membership of 100 Active Members and 250+ total Members who are among Southern Arizona’s most prominent business and civic leaders. Founded in 1968 as a support group of St. Mary’s Hospital, the Centurions name was chosen to honor the one hundred years of service given to Southern Arizona by Carondelet St. Mary’s Hospital. The name further reflects the members’ focus on business and civic leadership in the community by the historical reference to the Roman Centurion, a leader of 100 soldiers.

In 1970 the group organized its first fundraising effort to help raise money for St. Mary’s Burn Center which, at that time, was in dire need of support. Through the efforts of the Centurions and the generosity of the Tucson community, the Burn Center gradually became the preeminent burn rehabilitation facility in the Southwest.

In the 45 years that followed The Centurions directed their fund raising efforts to a wide variety of St Mary’s and Carondelet’s projects culminating in a $2 million dollar gift for the “Fulfilling the Promise” Capital Campaign.

In 2014, the Centurions reorganized and expanded its giving to include other organizations in the community that support our mission, including:

Assistance League of Tucson
Autism Society of Southern Arizona
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boys & Girls Clubs of Tucson
Boys to Men
Children’s Advocacy Center of Southern Arizona
Courtney’s Courage
Crafting Kind Kids
Engage Foundation
Grace Retreat Foster Care & Adoption Services
Imago Dei Middle School
Literacy Connects
Parent Aid
San Miguel High School
Stand Up For Kids
TMC for Children
Tu Nidito
Tucson Youth Music


The Centurions support Southern Arizona charities that provide services to underserved community members in the areas of healthcare, education, and mentorship with an emphasis on improving children’s lives.

“Amazing group of local business and civic leaders”


The Centurions put on Southern Arizona’s best and largest party, which is also the largest one-day fundraising event in town. We have raised more than $8.8 million in charitable donations to-date.

Our annual Events help fund Southern Arizona charities that provide services to our most underserved and at-risk community members in the areas of healthcare, education, and mentorship with an emphasis on improving children’s lives.

The Centurions’ annual theme parties are also well-known for the fun they raise through spectacular set design, costume contests, casino gambling for charity, games, dancing to live music, raffle prizes, superb food and drinks, and more. All net proceeds are returned to local charities.

Meet our Members!

Stevie Hopkins
Jim Tofel
Stan Spackeen
Steve Vorholzer
Rich Rodriguez
Dan Nentl
Sean Murray
Jed Lightcap
Eric Jacobson
Matt Harper
Chris Hanson
Dan Dolan
Deron Davenport
Kevin Bedient
Tom Miller
Mike Schmidt
Andy Brown
Ben Korn
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